It always amazes me how something can grow so quickly. How one day it is a small seed planted in your heart by God and the next you notice it is this huge tree that is ready to bear fruit. I wish I could figure out when it started, but really this all started the day God decided I would be conceived. What you ask? The purpose of my life, what I have been placed on this earth for. To bring freedom to those imprisoned by chains of slavery and oppression.
Psalm 82:3-4 says “Defend the cause of the week and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” In June I put this verse up on my wall at home, not really sure why it spoke to me so. Then the next few months God began to build a fire in my heart that is now to a point that I can’t not do something. Several weeks ago I was reading the start up story for a an organization called Love146 and he gave a statistic that blew me out of my stagnation. Every year 12 million people world wide are sold into slavery. If you break this down, it comes out to two children every minute! WHAT, Wait a minute! TWO CHILDREN EVERY MINUTE. In this world are sold, kidnapped, manipulated, shamed quilted, whatever into lives of slavery. Some into labor, most into the sex industry. Want to know something else? America has a big a problem as every other country. In fact, Portland, the city I like to call home, is the 3rd largest in the nation. As I read these facts, my heart crumbled into a million pieces. How could I do something, How could I not.
I prayed and prayed and looked and looked for a place to serve to help. Cause I don’t have any money to give. But god made it clear to me where the greatest need is. Until we all become aware of this problem it will exist and solutions will not. So I can not be quite, I refuse to be quite any longer. I hope this makes you uncomfortable and I hope it urges you too help. Pay attention to my blog in the coming days and I will start giving you ways to help!
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