
Monday, June 21, 2010

Fire Starter

Have you ever spent any time staring into a campfire.  There are the different stages of it.  There is the beginning when the wood is all fresh and the flames are out of control.  Then as more of the wood catches fire it just seems to engulf the whole pit and rages hot for a bit (unless you have certain types of wood, then it is more smoke than fire).  Then after a certain amount of time it begins to die down and the fire master has to keep pushing it around and adding wood until you have a good steady burn going on.  Then there is my favorite stage when the coals of the fire burn brighter and hotter than the fire itself.  I can spend hours staring into the depths of those coals and watching the slow burning passion.

Ok stay with me now, there is a purpose to this!  Several years ago God gave me a passion and at first it raged and I quickly burned through any energy I had.  the passion dwindled and slowly almost seemed to fade.  Every once in a while something would push the coals around and the fire would rage for a bit and then die back down.  But it was always there, He was slowly building the fire so that I could stand the heat of His passion.  The past few months God has been pushing my coals around and adding more wood, slowly reviving this passion He has given me.  Then this last week it just began to rage inside of me, a passion, a drive an energy that I have never felt before.  The coolest thing is it isn’t dyeing down.  Because God has built a nice strong fire around it.  He has given me experience after experience that has broken my heart more and more until there was plenty of wood to burn and the coals are nice and hot now.

Each day I wake with an excitement for the day.  I wonder what He will do today.  the crazy things is most days it isn’t huge and the things that still weigh me down are still there.  But there is this passion inside of me, proof that He has  a plan for me.  I don’t know what it will look like, but I am finally enjoying the ride!

You are probably saying to yourself, “Angela what are you talking about” and I would just smile and nod.  The only thing I can say is that God has brought me to a place of true contentment.  I can’t explain it any other way.  I am happy and I have been for several days.  If you know anything about me, consistency in moods is not one of my strong points. But regardless of the road blocks Satan throws in my way, I seem to leap over them with the grace of a deer lifted by the love found only in Him.

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