I am currently in the process of reading a book titled “Lioness Arising” by Lisa Bevere and it has really given me some stuff to ‘chew’ on. This morning she was talking about women’s role in the church and how in America the Christian body has diminished the value of women leaders. She went on to tell a story about a Face book post she made that started a very controversial discussion about whether women can be leaders or not. Of course this brought a broad out people on both sides who spoke very vehemently on the subject. Then she quoted a comment from a man which struck home to me. “Why are you women arguing against yourselves? We need your contribution, but you are stopping each other!”
It then struck me that the majority of the previous comments she listed had been women angrily forcing their sisters into silent submission. But we are not called to be silent. God did not create us as merely baby makers. We are charged with raising children, the most noble and difficult job on the planet. Yet how can we do this if we do not use our voice to stand strong for what we believe and hold our husbands to account for their behavior or lack of leadership. A perfect example of this silent submission is Abraham’s wife Sarah. How many times did she allow Abraham to pass her off as his sister due to his fear. I wonder what glory would have been shown to God is she only would have put her foot down and said I” will not let you disrespect me that way, and God is bigger than this problem!”
I wonder…
Just to clarify I am not stating that would should lead our husbands. But we should be strong women who show leadership by allowing our husbands to lead while still having a voice. God has given us a voice to speak and we as women often have a view that many men would never even consider. Yet if we stay silent, they will never know!