What does it mean to feel loved? What does it mean to be content? Can you be content as a woman loved only by the savior? Some days I think so, days like today my flesh and my heart cry out for a man. I could go on and on about the things I long for. But what it boils down to is I want to know I am desirable. I want to hear a man call me beautiful and see how he feels about me in his eyes. Do men long for the same thing from a woman? Or is this just something women long for? Why can’t God be enough?
Today was a rough day, no reason in particular. Just sad again and longing for companionship. Someone who would call me and want to hear my voice. Who longs to be near me and might make me feel like I am alive. It has been so long since I have dated, I am almost afraid to put myself out there for fear I would jump on the first man that came along.
So I have been praying and asking God to show me what I want in a man. There are lots of little things I would like, but most of them aren’t deal breakers. The biggest thing, is he has to lead me spiritually. I have to know that I can trust him to be chasing after Christ, so that as I follow him I am following Christ. Next he has to respect me and look at me as a friend. A companion to travel through life together and chase after adventures with. Last but not least he has to love me and cherish me ( is that too much to ask).